
The missing wings

For outsider, I am a happiness bird
i have anything that others eager for..
I am lack for 'nothing'.

"I have a happy life" --- this is true.
But how i get it ? --- i exchanged it with MY WINGS

I am a happy bird which stay longer in the cage
I just can see the others birds flying freedom in the sky ~~ fly to anywhere they like ~
through my cage.
When i look at them, i am so envy..
But now i cant do anything, because my cage is locked
even it is unlock, i aslo cant fly to anywhere --- because the wings are not mine
The wings are not belong to me !!!

When i am at outside, i have a temporary wings
it will stop function when the time's up, remind me to back to my cage

Otherwise, i have the fade wings when an aeroplane is above me
(aeroplane's parents = Parents those always guide and instruct their childern strictly, 【直升机父母】)
So 'i can fly' , when they are hold my body

When can i come out from the cage and fly in ease ? When i 21st ?
I dont think so. The real answer is infinity~ unknown ~

I am waiting, i will wait it !
I want volitation, i dont want fly without any meaning...

1 评论:

优之草 said...

i believe in d future u wil hv ur own wings ~ d wings tat really belongs 2 u ...
we wil fly 2gether in d sky ...
dun gv up ...
try ur best 2 get wat u wan if u think tat's rite ...
proof 2 every1 tat u can do it v well!
be confident!