
Talent !?

What is my talent ? I have no idea...

I am still little bit scare of my ID assignment, it has a lot of works need to do during this holiday. Before took it out, i recalled the scene of that day and my sense of fearing is coming again. But i think that i must overcome and do it as well as possible.

Finally, i nerve myself to take it out then go through my sketches and think how to develop it...

Luckily, my cousin was came to my house. She showed me the interior design which my another cousin brother designed it. He is so excellent.. (admire~envy~)

In the first instance, i want to show her my lousy sketches, at the same time i thought that it is so shameless```

BUT i need to get improve, so i showed her finally.
She really shared a lot of ideassss with me , point out the my 'weird' design..
After that, i was awaken ! Many ideas float in my mind~
( although i think it but not draw it down yet)
THANKS THANKS THANKS... you are my angel ~

Why she has so many ideas in her mind ? why i cant think it before?
Is it she has the talent of thinking ideas ?
I am studying this course, why i cant think it do it as well ??
I dont have the talent ???

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