

Before the presentation of ID, i had done my assign. from the morning
until 4am and it persisted for 4 days !!!
Last time it works for me until i had a good presentation (art history) on the next day.
Unfortunately, this time was totally different... everything is out of my imagination !
(Actually, i also had worried about the presentation for the whole week
because my classmates are too strong! )

On the next day,
poor performance during the presentation.
The lecturer impatience and serious facial expression had drive away my confidence,
i tried to present more but he was keep going said' hurrp up, hurrp up'
my heart was pitpat pitpat ```
finally i done the presentation imperfection (so sad)

Don't know why, after this poor presentation,
i afraid on ID, there is no confidence in my heart now
really scare i cant catch up others' steps...

Moreover, i also suddenly weary of burning the midnight oil
last time it was my 'strength' before the exams and presentation :P
but now it is doesn't work for me...

Now i am feel scare and lack of confident to face the ID
i know this is my major course,the bread and butter in my future.
But the my confidence is far apart ~~

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